Drawing with overlay.
This image depicts the struggle to take a life time of memories with us.

“We come from many places, guided by a compass pointing in several directions. Up north, then west, north again and then north West. No straight lines, no priority lanes no signposts. Just the camps, the mud, sometimes a smiling face, but rarely that, mostly blank stares, questions and the stale air of offices.


Finally here. Each trail a wavering line through the unknown and mostly alone. So many stories, but I cannot begin to ask, for fear of knowing. We gather around a task and we make something beautiful.  Our image shows the dark and the light of the journey, sadness and relief.


We look at each other and we know that are all still travelling, me among them.  The paper and the inks soak each other up, like us, each one looking for the other”.

 GS 2019